Joining the top and bottom halves of the hull is a tricky operation. Polystyrene blocks are carved to shape and glued into the top half before the two pieces are fitted together.
The join is made with rivets and a polyurethane adhesive. An aluminium strip is fixed to edge to hold the top half of the skirt segments and also to toughen up the edge.
Next up is fitting the P-Clips. These are the lower skirt fixings and are held in place with peel rivets. Firstly, 5mm holes are drilled the correct distance up from the ali strip. A blob of PU adhesive is placed on each hole to help stop the rivets working their way out and also to provide a seal. The P-clips are riveted in place and another blob of PU put over the hole. Otherwise you get 60 tiny fountains when you stop on the water.
Finally (for this bit) holes are cut with a ring-saw, one for each segment, 60 in total. It also needs a very good clean to get the glue from some duct tape I used to hold it all together and other muck and grime.
Here the front duct has been fitted. The duct guard clips will go on much later as they just get in the way